General terms and conditions
1. What do you have to pay attention to before you start the treatment?
For your treatment in my practice for Physiotherapy you need a medical prescription. This will be made out for you by your medicating doctor.
Please note: I don’t have a contract with any public health insurance company. You pay the arising costs with me as a therapist of your choice and apply for partial refund with your public or private health insurance according to current rate. You will therefore need an approval of the medical prescription by the chief physician of your health insurance.
2. What does the process of the therapy look like?
At the beginning of the treatment a detailed diagnosis will be established. You discuss all the aspects relevant for your therapy with me, your physiotherapist (i.e. objective of the therapy, measures of treatment, appointments, duration, frequency, extent and costs). My treatment follows current legal regulations (federal law on the regulation of enhanced medical technical services in the current version – MTD law).
After diagnosis I will suggest a certain treatment. It is up to you if you accept this offer or want to discuss adjustments. All the information you share with me as your therapist is subject to confidentiality. All the measures carried out by me will be documented, these documents stay with me. If you wish you can always have a look into them.
3. Side effects / complications
Physical therapy forms usually don’t come with side effects if you pay attention to contraindications. Still, in rare cases it can happen that treatments are not well reacted to or even lead to complications even though the therapy was carried out thoroughly and according to scientific findings / studies. If problems or further questions occur in the course of the therapy you have to inform me or your medicating doctor immediately.
The following side effects / complications might occur:
- In general (this counts for all types of physical therapy): tiredness, problems with the cardiovascular system (rise or fall of blood pressure), falls
- Irritations of the skin (electric or hydrotherapy, massage): itchy rashes, chemical or heat burns, allergies, medicine intolerance
- Injuries of structures in treatment (ligaments, jonts, tendons, cartilage, bones, vessels, nerves, muscles) during active and passive movement therapy, injuries through weights which you might let fall down during medical training therapy, bruises
- Intensification of pain
4. Your part in a successful therapy
As your physiotherapist I understand my role as a companion on your personal way. I am at your side in word and deed and will use my knowledge and my abilities to your advantage. A successful therapy / treatment requires that you inform me of your current state of health, the intake of medication and other kinds of treatments that you have tried and check ups that have been carried out in connection with your medical condition. Furthermore, it is of utmost importance that you do or avoid exercises or actions we discuss.
5. Therapy costs
My fee goes by duration of treatment: 30 mins = € 90, 45 mins = € 110. At the end of the treatment session you receive a bill. You have to pay cash immediately after every session. You can apply for a refund with your health insurance. Therefore you will need the following documents: medical prescription, approval of chief physician, original bill. You can ask your health insurance about the exact amount of refund (department chief physician). Preventive measures as well as other measures that support your therapy can not be passed to account with your health insurance.
6. If the patient doesn’t keep an appointment
If you aren’t able to keep an appointment, I ask you to cancel it as soon as possible, but the latest 24 hours before the set appointment. Otherwise, the normal costs will be charged. These costs can’t be passed to account with your health insurance.
7. Termination of assistance
The treatment can be terminated consensually at any time. Furthermore, the extent of the medical prescription defines the extent according to rules of professional conduct.
8. Valuable objects
No liability is assumed for any valuable objects which haven’t been stored properly by the patient.
9. Place of jurisdiction
10. Validity of this agreement
With your signature on the form which remains with me, you confirm to have read and fully understood this agreement
Information according to §5 e-commerce law and disclosure according to § 25 media law
Mag. Michael Grubhofer, Bakk.
Service provider and media owner:
Mag. Michael Grubhofer, Bakk.
Montleratstraße 1B/6/1, 1140 Wien
Telephone: +43-676-556 52 96
Regional court: Vienna
Professional association: Member of Physio Austria, Austrian federation of physiotherapists (
Job designation: Physiotherapist, Austrian diploma according to MTD law (BGBl. Nr. 460/1992). Copyright on content and images Mag. Michael Grubhofer, Bakk.
Webdesign, CMS and concept:
Mag. Patrick Anthofer
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